Author: John Smith


03 Apr Perennial Questions

When you have worked in a studio and been involved with the visual arts and have written about it for many years you will find that there are certain questions that never go away. They are perennial. They keep coming up.   Among those are things like...

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02 Jan On Art Groups and Societies

What are art groups and societies and what is their purpose?   Are they fulfilling their mandate and adhering to their constitutions?   Where to?   What is the purpose of Art Groups and Art Societies? An interesting question.   Did the founding fathers and mothers create them merely to provide a bit...

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06 Nov Teachers, Teaching

As I write this article there is a questionnaire being circulated throughout South Africa which we hope will ultimately give us the information and statistics we so sorely lack. Once this data-bank is in place, hopefully many unanswered questions regarding the state of the visual...